Office space : Solutions in line with STAFF expectations and hybrid work

Office space : Solutions in line with STAFF expectations and hybrid work

Are you familiar with activity-based workplaces and office neighbourhoods?

These concepts have been part of the office design industry for decades. Today, in a post-pandemic world, they’re some of the best ways to create office space tailored to the new reality of hybrid work.

The key is to avoid ready-made solutions. Colourful and whimsical designs and the new office space next door may not be the right choice for you. With workplace design, you need to carefully analyze and plan for the specific functional needs of your employees and teams. Your staff should be part of the process—their input is invaluable.

The new work environment

The pandemic has changed the way we live and work. Employees have new needs and expectations and, as a result, we need to rethink how we design our workplaces. Employers looking to provide a modern and engaging work environment must now:

  • Offer flexible arrangements that reflect the new workplace and the need for work-life balance
  • Have a clear and innovative vision of work that puts people first and takes into account key issues, physical space and technology
  • Address the organization’s specific business needs and foster a sense of belonging and cohesion
  • Provide flexible and adaptable facilities to meet changing needs
  • Optimize work space for functionality, comfort and efficiency

Two concepts to consider and combine

The activity-based workplace (ABW): An ABW is a mobile, technology-driven work environment. It allows your staff to switch back and forth between different work settings over the course of a day or a week to accommodate their various activities. Each work space allows employees to do their job comfortably and efficiently, from individual work to in-person collaboration and remote or hybrid meetings.

This approach promotes productivity and well-being. By giving people more control over where and how they work, the ABW enhances their sense of belonging, self-worth and fulfilment. Note that the ABW doesn’t necessarily imply open-plan layouts or unassigned workstations. The idea is to provide solutions tailored to the specific needs of each employee.

Office neighbourhoods: Office neighbourhoods use zoning to promote a sense of belonging and collaboration between teams. Permanent or temporary dynamic spaces give teams access to flexible and modular meeting places. An open-plan workspace can be used for quiet individual work for part of the day or week and then converted for a team brainstorming session or a special event as needed.

Office neighbourhoods are designed to meet the needs of each team. They promote teamwork and use zoning to facilitate interaction between individuals and teams.

A worthwhile undertaking

The ABW and office neighbourhoods can be combined to create a productive, inspiring and engaging workplace. Depending on your organization’s specific needs and telecommuting policy, these approaches may even reduce the amount of space you need for your business.

•    Productive and adaptable office space for your employees and teams
•    Efficient and optimized work spaces
•    Long-term work space flexibility and adaptability
•    Implemented with staff input and support
•    Create a sense of community and belonging

How can CIM Conseil consultants help you with your project?

CIM Conseil’s Real Estate Planning Team has a proven track record and expertise in needs-based planning across various environments and industries. When designing or redesigning office spaces, we provide tailored solutions that can include the following:
•    Trend reports – Survey and synthesis of recent studies on workplace design changes in your industry, on work methods and on the characteristics of different employee profiles (new workers, young parents, managers, men or women, etc.), as well as recommendations for comparison and inspiration.
•    Input data analysis – Review of your organizational development goals and vision, collection and analysis of current and projected data on your work space, staff and operations.
•    Information, engagement and buy-in activities – Support for your change management strategy and assistance with your project’s information, engagement and buy-in activities.
•    Staff consultation – Collection of needs assessment data by employee profile, interviews with managers and users of various services.
•    Functional analysis – Pragmatic look at functional needs, constraints, ergonomics and paths and flows; development of FAST (Functional Analysis System Technique) diagrams; optimization approaches and other analyses.
•    Real estate master plans, preliminary studies, functional and technical programs – Whatever planning stage you’re in, we can work with you on the deliverables you need to set the stage for your ideal workplace development project.


• Your pre-pandemic office spaces don’t necessarily meet the current needs and expectations of your employees, teams and organization.
• To make your work environment more attractive and to bring people back to the office, you need to provide technical and functional advantages that promote collaboration and synergy within your organization and with your partners and clients.
• You must have appropriate spaces for individual work and suitable solutions for hybrid meetings (with both in-person and remote participants). Fluid use of space is essential to managing these sometimes disparate needs and to creating a pleasant and healthy work environment.
• A technological shift is also a must when adapting office spaces.
• When it comes to office design, each organization must find its own solution—there is no magic formula.

Wondering what you should do next to optimize your office space? CIM Conseil is there to help!

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